AFESIP Cambodia 

Acting for Women in Distressing Situations 

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Romchong, this year aged 26 years, came from a poor family where they depended basically on seasonal rice farming with meager income and more terribly her family faced domestic violence very often caused by her drunken father. Then, this forced her to decide to migrate with her friends to Phnom Penh to find a job and then she ended up with working as a garment factory worker for one year and a beer promotion girl for some time. While in Siem Reap working as a beer promotion girl she had faced different forms of abuses both physically and psychologically by drunken customers almost every night.

Samot (PP-3226) had been sold by her mother at her young age of 2 years to an old lady in Pursat province while her parents got divorced and remarried. She was forced herself to stop studying at grade 5 of primary school while she was 13 year sold in order to help her grandmother (a lady who bought her) selling cake in the village to support the family because the sons of her grandmother had very often insulted her while she made any mistake they hated her very much.

The Trafficking in Persons Report Heroes Global Network is a brand-new tool that was launched just several weeks ago! The site captures the stories of the people who have been given a TIP Report Hero award, among them our very own AFESIP. Providing in-depth biographies; a collection of resources filterable by focus, country and region; and a blog that is updated weekly with pictures and stories that relate directly to the Trafficking in Persons Report Heroes, the site is a valuable education tool for all interested in modern-day abolition. The people that have won this award are some of our best anti-slavery activists who are fighting for freedom all around the world. Touching every area of the globe, and fighting against every type of slavery or slave-like practice, these Heroes serve as an inspiration to all who wish to stand for freedom.

Check it out at! Browse around the Heroes profiles, check out the blog area, read the resources and learn more about world-wide anti-slavery efforts! 

Disgraced anti-sex trafficking activist Somaly Mam’s new charity – which is headed by former staff of her fallen foundation, a Hollywood actress and a PR guru – announced yesterday that it has been given the green light in the US.

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